The IoT Development board is an IoT cloud-ready platform allowing users to prototype and deploy their IoT projects quickly.
The IoT development board can be used to evaluate and demonstrate the capabilities of the ESP8266/NodeMcu board. It is a great way to start working in the IoT field. The board is ideal for experiments or as a more advance digital system. The board is designed for general purpose application and includes a variety of Sensors to exercise ESP8266 Peripherals. It is a fantastic tool for development and prototyping, The all-new board design has made it much more user-friendly, ideally suitable for training and development purposes.
It has many features or we can say it one board with many practical solutions, that means it has 3 LED’s & switches on board. Apart from this, it has an onboard OLED display. Most importantly all microcontroller PIN-OUT is available outside of it so that you can use & program any pin & use it.
It is based on ESP32 SOC and uses a plugable nodemcu module for processing and connectivity.
The board is designed for students who are looking to develop and explore the vast field of IoT .
Board Description :
DHT11 Sensor
LDR Sensor
Air Quality Sensor
MPU6050 Sensor
Ultrasonic Sensor
Oled Display
Power Supply Section
Led, Switch and Push Button Section
Note- 1 quantity per user.
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